


The video is a trailer without infringement.站内视频为预告片,没有对任何影视公司构成侵权.

Mariposa becomes the royal Ambassador of Flutterfield and is sent to bring peace btween her fairy land and their rivals, the Crystal Fairies of Shimmervale. While Mariposa doesn"t make a great first impression on their King, she becomes fast friends with his shy daughter, Princess Catania. However, a misunderstanding causes Mariposa to be banished from the fairy land. As Mariposa and Zee return to Flutterfield, they encounter a dark fairy on her way to destroy Shimmervale. Mariposa rushes back and helps Princess Catania save her fairy land and together, the two girls prove that the best way to make a friend, is to be a friend.two girls prove that the best way to make a friend, is to be a friend.

本站提供芭比之蝴蝶仙子2/芭比之蝴蝶仙子与仙女公主动画片全集在线观看免费和手机mp4下载地址,可支持芭比之蝴蝶仙子2/芭比之蝴蝶仙子与仙女公主百度云盘网盘、西瓜影音、吉吉影音等高清播放器。 2013-11-30 18:19:16