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An adaptation of Mark Waid"s "Tower of Babel" story from the JLA comic. Ra"s al Ghul steals confidential files Batman has compiled on the members of the Justice League, and learns all their weaknesses. Justice League Doom is a animated movie going to be partly based on the Justice League Tower of Babel series deals with Batman"s perceived betrayal to the superhuman community by keeping records concerning the strengths and weaknesses of his allies in the JLA, including plans to neutralise his allies in a fight. His files are stolen by Ra"s al Ghul, who uses them to defeat the Leer of Babel series deals with Batman"s perceived betrayal to the superhuman community by keeping records concerning the strengths and weaknesses of his allies in the JLA, including plans to neutralise his allies in a fight. His files are stolen by Ra"s al Ghul, who uses them to defeat the League through a coordinated attack to prevent them from interfering with his latest scheme.

本站提供正义联盟:毁灭动画片全集在线观看免费和手机mp4下载地址,可支持正义联盟:毁灭百度云盘网盘、西瓜影音、吉吉影音等高清播放器。 2013-11-30 17:52:31